Friday 19 August 2016


Virtual Brain of Human Inside a Super Computer

Abstract: -

              Recently IBM started a marvelous project that is BlueBrain. The aim of the scientists is to transfer the brain contents into a computer and make the computer to think and respond like a natural brain. In that case we can use the brain after the man’s death also. By using this we can able to see our feelings, thoughts and memories in screen. “IBM is now in research to create a virtual brain, called Blue brain. If possible, this would be the first virtual brain of the world. IBM, in partnership with scientists at Switzerland’s Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne’s (EPFL) Brain and Mind Institute will begin simulating the brain’s biological systems and output the data as a working 3-dimensional model that will recreate the high-speed electro-chemical interactions that take place within the brain’s interior”.


                   The Brain of Human is a wonderful thing that was created by God. Because of Brain Humans Are Most Intelligent in Universe. We can react by the Brain impulses which translates information. If the man is Died, we loss the Knowledge or Intelligence. It can be used for Development of Human. Imagine if we create a Virtual Brain and we can upload the Human Brain Contents, that will be amazing!

What is Virtual Brain?

                  The Artificial brain which can work like Human brain. It can acts like natural brain which can think, respond and take decisions as human brain. We can make possible by using Supercomputers. Through this we can upload contents of brain into computers. So, we can use the knowledge and intelligence of a Human even after dearth.

Functioning of Natural Brain:-

  • It acts as a Processing and storage Centre of the body.
  • It obtains impulses from neurons of all over the body.
  • After receiving signals, it processes and analyze the data and responds by sending instructions to body parts.
  • Parts of the body follows the instructions of brain.

Functioning of Blue Brain: -

  • We can make possible by using Nanobots(Small Robots).
  • These are very small that can travel the whole circulatory system.
  •  By travelling spine and brain, they can monitor functioning and structure of central nervous system.
  • By scanning Nanobots easily monitor each and every connection between Neurons.
  • We can able to upload information of brain because of they can produce interface with Supercomputer.

Software and Hardware Requirements: -

  • High end processor.
  • 8,096 CPUs at 700 MHz. The Blue Brain has some 8000 processors which map one or more neurons to each processor, making a computer a replica of 10,000 neurons.
  • Linux and c++ software
  • 100 kilowatts power consumption
  • A wide area network.
  • Program to convert electrical impulse’s from brain into input signals.
  •  Large memory with high storage capacity (256 MB to 512 MB memory per processor).
  • Very powerful Nanobots to act as the interface between the natural brain and computer.
  • A Super computer (Blue Gene).

Blue Brain Uses: -

  • I will be useful in case of “Short Term Memory loss”.
  • Usually old persons forget things, inorder to overcome these problems we can use BLUE BRAIN.
  • Brains of innovative persons can reuse (“like Newton and Einstein”).
  • We can treat diseases like “Alzheimer, Parkinson”.
  • For these reasons we need a blue brain. It is a simple chip that can be installed into the human brain for which the short term memory loss and a volatile memory at old age can be avoided.
  • We can read brains of Animals and know their thinking etc,.

"A simulated brain slice from the Blue Brain Project: neurons are colored according to their levels of electrical activity(A Rat Brain)"


                  In conclusion, by combining Biological technology and Digital technology we can able to transfer human brain into computer and can see our brain in Computer Screen. Then we can import and export data from Computer to Brain, that will be wonderful..!

                                                                                                                     Thanks For Reading...!
                                                                                                                                   ---R@jesh Reddy G

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